Kickoff Talk at TarotCon 2016 in Palm Beach, FL • Oct. 8-9, 2016 appearances, tarotMichael M. HughesJuly 18, 2016
Emerging from the Dust: Lots of Updates anthology, appearances, fortean, magic, paranormal, publishing, ritual, tarot, writingMichael M. HughesMay 31, 2016
Keynote Talk for the Big Read, Attleboro, MA, Sept. 18th, 2015 appearances, magic, media, writingMichael M. HughesAugust 25, 2015a wizard of earthsea, appearance, the big read, ursula k le guin
Interview: Where Did the Road Go? Radio Show appearances, blackwater lights, fortean, interviewMichael M. HughesJune 2, 2015conspiracy, esoteric, fortean, interview, radio, ufo
Video of my Reading from Noir at the Bar, Baltimore appearances, videoMichael M. HughesMay 4, 2015baltimore, noir at the bar, reading, video