Hosting Woes, Writing and Appearances Updates

Well, thanks to my current craptastic web host (cough... uplinkearth... cough, cough) I lost a bunch of posts. Which really, really sucks, as my brain is too soft to remember what I wrote. I'm quite sure it was brilliant. So it goes. All life is suffering, said the Buddha.

I'm working on a very interesting article for the Baltimore City Paper about the Johns Hopkins studies on psilocybin and mystical experiences and a few of my short stories are circulating and looking for a home. I'll be doing a reading of my short story "The Milk Man," at the upcoming Horrorfind Weekend on Friday, August 15th at 8pm. It's definitely not for the lactose intolerant or easily offended.

And on Saturday, August 16th I'll be heading up to West-by-God-Virginia for the 15th Annual Briary Bottomstock Beer Bash and Camporee. (PDF flyer download)

More soon.