Sacred Intentions: Inside the Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Studies

Sacred Intentions: Inside the Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Studies (City Paper)

My article hit the streets and the Intertubes today. (UPDATE: The City Paper link seems to have been lost in their website reorganization. The Alternet version is still up, although it lacks the fantastic photos).

My gratitude goes out to the researchers and the study volunteers for their trust and openness. There's a lot more of this story to tell, and I look forward to doing so.

The Magical Mystery Couch in the Psilocybin Room

One of my favorite sites, The Daily Grail, has a nice writeup about the article.

UPDATE: Thanks to those visiting by way of Alternet, also one of my favorite haunts. If you care to, please digg and/or reddit either the Alternet or City Paper version.